Wednesday 12 March 2008

The Lovely Bones

The Lovely Bones isn't the type of book I would usually read but I picked it up for the bargain sum of 50p from the local charity shop. Everyone who reads it seems to rave about it, so I thought it was worth a look.

I found the whole concept of the book bizarre to start with and to be quite honest a bit morbid. However, the more I read the less it became about death and more about family relationships. In the end it was a fairly enjoyable read and it surprised me how quickly I got through it.

Sunday 9 March 2008

The Kite Runner

Being an avid book reader I thought it would be nice to keep a record of my 'conquests' on my blog. The latest book I have read is the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. I was trying to avoid this book because of all the hype and the recent film but it was chosen as the book group book for March - and I am really glad it was.

This book was brilliant and is definitely my book of the year so far. It charts the lives of two very different boys from Afghanistan. I will be very interested to see what the rest of the group think as we all usually have very contrasting opinions on the material we choose.

I was so impressed by this book I really want to see the film adaptation now - I usually avoid films of books I love like the plague but I am interested to see how this one translates.

Overall I give The Kite Runner 9 out of 10.

Next book - The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

Sunday 2 March 2008

Back in the garden

Things are hotting up in the garden. The new green house is up and the raised beds are in place, covered in fleece and ready for the growing year ahead.

Planted 1st March 2008:

Broad Beans (in the greenhouse)
Mixed salad leaves (in the greenhouse)
Onion sets (in the raised beds)

Want to get the radishes and tumbling toms in the greenhouse as well but that may have to wait until next weekend!